Christmas Tree Trimming
Sandi and I got the tree up this afternoon. We skipped a few years recently and it was a lot of fun unwrapping ornaments we haven't seen in a while. Here are some pics, all from the iPhone:
Sun Dec 14, 2008 | All (Home), Homestead
Sandi and I got the tree up this afternoon. We skipped a few years recently and it was a lot of fun unwrapping ornaments we haven't seen in a while. Here are some pics, all from the iPhone:
Fri Oct 17, 2008 | All (Home), Homestead
I just thought that the evening shadows were delightful. Fall is...
Fri Oct 10, 2008 | All (Home), Homestead
After we cut there were several days of light rain and the hay was a bit heavy, It dried well but our neighbor thought it would be better if he used his big round baler rather than the small...
Thu Oct 9, 2008 | All (Home), Homestead
This little guy (or girl) was hatched last week and gets around pretty well already! He never gets more than a few feet from mother hen, but he ranges all over the yard, arena and pasture. He was one of about 5 eggs in the nest but the only one that hatched for...
Thu Sep 4, 2008 | All (Home), Health, Homestead
Although my recovery is coming along fine, my mobility is limited by abdominal tenderness. I've been on the couch or in bed for days on end and it is annoying to say the least. The other night brought a beautilul sunset with bright long shadows that enticed me from...
Thu Aug 14, 2008 | All (Home), Homestead, Strange
Sandi and the geese get along great. They sit in her lap and peck lightly at her rings and bracelet as she pets them. After a bit they quiet down and just relax and poop on her...
Mon Aug 11, 2008 | All (Home), Homestead
Today I added some cross fencing to the horse pasture. It's easy. Just push in t-posts with the Bobcat , cover with the HorseGuard plastic sleeves, pop in the tape guides and string the electric...
Mon Jul 14, 2008 | All (Home), Homestead, Weather
Sandi got me the flagpole several years ago for Christmas but I didn't I install it until last month. I especially like the Gadsden flag. It is in our back...
Wed Jul 9, 2008 | All (Home), Homestead
I took the following photo from our back deck using my lowly iPhone 2MP camera. It shows the fireworks from the lake about a mile away with my backyard flagpole in the foreground. Just a bit of shadow/highlight adjustment in Photoshop CS3 and it looks...
Sun May 25, 2008 | All (Home), Health, Homestead
We have been working on the rental and things are going well. We have a couple all lined up with 3 horses and a teenage daughter, and we hope to have them moved in by the 2nd week of June. The house is on 1.5 ac and is a 3 BR 1 BA with a really nice bunkhouse...
[pe2-gallery class="aligncenter" ] [/pe2-gallery]Catching up with some photos. May 22 has significant snow on the West Elks.
Fri Jun 17, 2011
Independence Day video from my deck in 720p HD taken with and edited on my iPhone with the iMovie app. After it starts, change to 720p mode (lower right). httpv://
Sat Jul 10, 2010
Family got together and built a new patio area complete with a fireplace. Great spot to relax. Wine and fire is good for the...
Wed May 19, 2010
Sandi acts as the breeding and babysitting facility for our babies as well as her brother and sister-in-law. This fella is from Dollie, one of Jeff and Leta's mares. No name yet.
Thu May 13, 2010
It's the time of year to burn the fields in preparation for the new hay season. I have a bit of pyromania in my blood so I always look forward to this task. Armed with my LP tank and weed burner attachment I set out burning the field south of the house. All went...
Thu Apr 1, 2010