Spring came early this year. By late March it was somewhat comfortable for a few days, and April was very nice indeed. The mud season didn’t amount to much more than a few days of melt-off and it was over. Things turned green very early and spring is now well established.
The Quintus lawsuits settled out last month and the Mustang Software, Quintus saga has reached finality. Not much more to say about it; I’m still pissed but getting over it.
Our barn is just about complete now, the contractor made all the needed repairs and we have water and power installed. All that is left is to put together the stalls. I put 60 yards of sand (90 tons) on the inside floor and outside area as footing for the horses. It was easy to do with the Bobcat and kept me from having to level the dirt.
The NC Telecom bankruptcy is still moving slowly, but I’m about to make a change to get it done in a few months. There is a large telco that is interested and willing to spend significant $$$ to secure the assets. This means that I may not be able to ‘steal’ it away, but at least I’ll be in a position to secure a good contract arrangement for the future.
On a computer note, I just bought a new Dell XPS quad-core and used it to replace 2 PCs running my web sites and weather software. With 4G RAM I can run everything on a single PC although some of the weather software doesn’t get along with Vista Ultimate well so I run it in Windows XP under a Virtual PC 2007 session. I really like Vista and it has been solid as a rock. The 4 cores barely get a workout, even when crunching my 2G .avi files with Media Encoder every hour.
ps – we also just got 41 baby chicks to add to the coop; they are so cute! They have to stay int he garage for a few weeks but you’ll be able to see them outside on the cam soon.