Mac the mini
Thu May 13, 2010 | All (Home), Homestead, Horses
Sandi acts as the breeding and babysitting facility for our babies as well as her brother and sister-in-law. This fella is from Dollie, one of Jeff and Leta's mares. No name yet.
Thu Jul 23, 2009 | All (Home), Homestead, Horses
Took a few shots yesterday while working around the house. Got a fine pic of our vegetable garden showing how well the corn is doing, and another of the bunny that escaped from our neighbors kids. That bunny is going to be hard to...
Sat Jul 4, 2009 | All (Home), Horses, Web/Tech
On release day Sandi and I both got the new iPhone 3G S models and they are great. Last week, after having the 3G S only 10 days or so, we were playing Scrabble together over WiFi in bed when all of a sudden the entire left one-third of her screen inexplicably...
Sat Apr 25, 2009 | All (Home), Dogs, Homestead, Horses
Sun Apr 12, 2009 | All (Home), Horses
I have been remiss in posting pics of our new baby girl. She is about 2 weeks old and we are expecting another around Mother's...
Tue Mar 10, 2009 | All (Home), Homestead, Horses, Weather
Great full moon last night We're expecting Zana to give us a baby pony this week followed by another from Punkin within 30 days or...
Thu Jul 17, 2008 | All (Home), Horses
Sandi took her baby colt to have minor surgery done on his leg. He had a tendon issue that needed a slight tweak. All seems well and he is up and around only hours after waking.
Wed Jun 18, 2008 | All (Home), Health, Horses
As I mentioned, tomorrow I go in for my 2nd surgery. I'm looking forward to it and getting my intestines back to normal. The worst part is having to stay in the hospital bed for 7 days. We are in the middle of our first hay cutting this year, don't know if we...
Sun Apr 6, 2008 | All (Home), Horses, Weather
It came about mid-month and the days have been getting warmer ever since. We are well on our way to completing projects around the house, something we couldn't even thing about doing this time of year up in Meeker. Today I burned the irrigation ditches in the...
Wed Jul 7, 2004 | All (Home), Horses
I posted a bunch of photos taken at our Range Call celebration. It is held every 4th of July (4 day event) and includes rodeo, parade, concert, dance and fireworks. This year we hosted Steve Azar. One of the best parts is the re-enactment of the Meeker...
Sun May 23, 2004 | All (Home), Horses
After waiting 11 months we finally have our new baby pony. Even before leaving California we tried to get Zanna pregnant but had little success with artificial insemination. The original stud just didn't have good swimmers I guess. Well, last summer we...
Sandi acts as the breeding and babysitting facility for our babies as well as her brother and sister-in-law. This fella is from Dollie, one of Jeff and Leta's mares. No name yet.
Thu May 13, 2010
Took a few shots yesterday while working around the house. Got a fine pic of our vegetable garden showing how well the corn is doing, and another of the bunny that escaped from our neighbors kids. That bunny is going to be hard to...
Thu Jul 23, 2009
On release day Sandi and I both got the new iPhone 3G S models and they are great. Last week, after having the 3G S only 10 days or so, we were playing Scrabble together over WiFi in bed when all of a sudden the entire left one-third of her screen inexplicably...
Sat Jul 4, 2009
I have been remiss in posting pics of our new baby girl. She is about 2 weeks old and we are expecting another around Mother's...
Sun Apr 12, 2009