Most recent first, Current Category: Web/Tech
Recent Pics

Recent Pics

Here's a few recent pics to keep things updated. Replaced my old DeBot brand robot vacuum with a new Wyze  Robot Vacuum. It's faster and uses Lidar to map each room for very efficient cleaning. Next up is Drago sitting so handsome in the back yard. Lastly is a DNA...



For the last few years I've been doing pro bono web development work on and off for several German Shepherd rescue organizations, in addition to my job at the Matawan Aberdeen Public Library. There's also been a paying gig along the way that I stumbled upon. German...

Most recent first, Current Category: Web/Tech
All (Home), Dogs, Me!, Web/Tech

Recent Pics

Here's a few recent pics to keep things updated. Replaced my old DeBot brand robot vacuum with a new Wyze  Robot Vacuum. It's faster and uses Lidar to map each room for very efficient cleaning. Next up is Drago sitting so handsome in the back yard. Lastly is a DNA...

All (Home), Dogs, Web/Tech


For the last few years I've been doing pro bono web development work on and off for several German Shepherd rescue organizations, in addition to my job at the Matawan Aberdeen Public Library. There's also been a paying gig along the way that I stumbled upon. German...

All (Home), Web/Tech

Aardvark Topsites & PHP v7.2 Fix

Aardvark Topsites is a php script that was originally developed about 15 years ago, designed to present websites as a dynamic ordered list. A topsites list ranks a group of related sites by popularity. Webmasters join the topsites list and are given a button to put...