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Green Mist

Took a pic of our outhouse with my iPhone and used the x-ray filter in the Vihgo app. Makes you wonder what I had for breakfast eh?

My New Bumper Protector

This is the new case for my iPhone 5 SPIGEN SGP iPhone 5 Case Bumper Protection Cover [Neo Hybrid EX] [Reventon Yellow] / Front (1) Back (1) Free Steinheil Protector Films

No horses were harmed in the making of this photo

This isn't a real pic, it is actually two pics taken with my iPhone while the horses were sleeping one morning recently.  I stitched them together using the iPhone app Auto Stitch, cropped and framed them with the app Photogene, and added the lightning with the app...


Time-lapse Ride From Water Witch

Ride home from the Water Witch coffee shop in Highlands. Time-lapse of about 6.5 miles, 35 minutes or so. I slowed it down for the section on the beach.

c.1970 Baltimore, MD

More Sandhill Cranes

Took a walk around the neighborhood and found these two near the recharge basin.  

Mead Botanical Gardens

Took a walk to the gardens while my car was being serviced this morning. Ran across a bird acting a bit strange. He landed and then fidgeted around a lot. After watching him a bit and zooming in I discovered that he apparently pushed his beak into some sort of...

I Want One Of These (redux)

Alfalfa ready to be baled.

Beer. Is. Food.

Bacon Topped Meatloaf

I could lose weight if I had more will power.  Well, maybe not. Dang, that iPhone take nice pics sometimes.

Spring is here

It came about mid-month and the days have been getting warmer ever since.  We are well on our way to completing projects around the house, something we couldn't even thing about doing this time of year up in Meeker. Today I burned the irrigation ditches in the front...


Still snow mid-May

[pe2-gallery class="aligncenter" ] [/pe2-gallery]Catching up with some photos. May 22 has significant snow on the West Elks.

Winter is here

Well, winter arrived early as usual.  We usually get snow on or around Halloween and this year was no exception.  Everyone is healthy and things are going well. The company I work for filed Chapter 11 Bankruptcy in October and I've been handling the process with the...

mmmm, asparagus

All along the irrigation ditch that runs adjacent to our property we have the best volunteer asparagus.  On any given day we can just take a walk and pick as much as we need for a great snack or dinner compliment.  It is so yummy.

A Day at Lake Eola and Fireworks!

A few weeks ago I was re-reading Tony Northrup's great DSLR guide, How to Create Stunning Digital Photography. In the section on night photography he discusses his technique for getting pictures of fireworks and I decided to try it this year. His method is simple;...

Just updating…

We have been working on the rental and things are going well.  We have a couple all lined up with 3 horses and a teenage daughter, and we hope to have them moved in by the 2nd week of June.  The house is on 1.5 ac and is a 3 BR 1 BA with a really nice bunkhouse behind...

The Great American Bacon Race!

Fun event, but a little bit pricey. I guess they need to cover the cost of giving away bacon at two water/bacon stations during the run, and at the bacon party afterwards. Oh, and also pay for the big honkin' heavy bacon finisher medallions.

It’s all about perspective

Be careful when taking your Christmas pics!

Sunset over the Cimarrons

Sandi and I went to Montrose to help Jeff and Leta paint their house and do some grading with the Bobcat.  It was a fun day that culminated with dutch-oven ribs server outside under a beautiful sunset. The image below was taken looking almost straight up as the sun...

Enjoying my new patio and fireplace

Family got together and built a new patio area complete with a fireplace.  Great spot to relax. Wine and fire is good for the soul.

We’re Official Apple Fanbois (sorta)

Sandi was the lucky recipient of an Apple MacBook Air for Christmas and she loves it.  I have had my MacBook Pro for almost a year and I too really like OS-X and the laptop design.  In addition we both have iPhones and we're pretty much entrenched in...

Rest In Peace Bauer

Today after more than 13 years we had to say goodbye to the 3rd of the original 3blackdogs.  Skansen's JA Bauer was a big, lovable brute that never seemed to grow up.  He was always the low man on the totem pole but took it all in stride.  A bit goofy, he often...
Most recent first, Current Category: Home
All (Home), Food and Drink, Work

Started a restaurant

It is now mid-may and we're still unpacking at home!  We have started a business as owners of the Flag Creek Cafe, located at the Meeker Golf Course. The startup is taking an inordinate amount of our time and energy, but after two weeks we are beginning to get our...

All (Home), Weather

Just an update

Spent a bit of time updating the pics pages and moving the site as a sub-web of my weatherweather.net site.  I've always been interested in weather phenomenon and after leaving Bakersfield it dawned on me that I'm finally living in an area that actually HAS...

All (Home), Horses, Travel

We have arrived in Colorado!

Well, we completed our move from Bakersfield to Meeker on November 1, 2001.  Everyone arrived safely and the people, dogs and horses are all fine.  We live about 3 miles outside of town on County Road 4, on the mesa overlooking Meeker and the White River...