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Foal from March 2009

Walking Dead

Maryland Blue Crabs

Before: After:

E-Bikes Need Batteries

I've been having battery issues with my bike for the last month or so. When I hit a hard bump it just shuts down, no display or power. I discovered that I can get it active again by banging on the side of the battery, suggesting that something is disconnecting inside....

Surgery for Carpal Tunnel

Over the past year I have noticed a steadily increasing numbness in my right hand, primarily affecting my thumb and middle finger. A trip to an orthopedist confirmed a carpal tunnel constriction diagnosis. In addition to the numbness the doctor pointed out a...

Edible from our garden

I didn't know that artichokes bloomed like this!


This isn't to suggest that my pal Panzer was a victim of cancer, it was tagged as part of an online support photo shoot.  Panzer was the victim of his own exuberance and was taken in a vehicle accident on the road near home.  My consolation is that I was there and...

Time-lapse Ride From Water Witch

Ride home from the Water Witch coffee shop in Highlands. Time-lapse of about 6.5 miles, 35 minutes or so. I slowed it down for the section on the beach.

Sunset in neighborhood

Just a quick snap taken during my walk/jog around the neighborhood on my birthday.  No exposure information saved since it was taken within the Runkeeper app on my iPhone 6 Plus.  Editing with Snapseed app to underexpose the lower section and with Touch/Retouch app to...

Night shot iPhone 6 Plus, grainy but nailed the shot.

  I really like ProCamera.  It is easy to use but has depth, allowing lots of control including separate exposure and focus points, shutter or ISO priority and bracketing.  I'll be trying some even darker night shpts soon. Adjustments in Lightroom 5 include crop,...

Almost May; snow in Meeker

I'm really happy we don't live there any longer. Delta is much more temperate.

My Adoring Fans

Took some flag pics…

Our garden is going great!

Honey Crisp Apples

We planted a Honey Crisp Apple tree 2 years ago and this year it finally came to fruit.  They are sweet and juicy right off the tree and Sandi has made several apple pies.  MMMMMmmmm. Another pretty good iPhone pic eh?

Late Winter ’06

Not much exciting news.  We started building a barn in October and it still isn't finished right.  Lots of issues with the contractor , you can read the entire story as I post and update it on TractorByNet.com.  The Quintus action is final as of...

3 degrees this morning

Early Morning Run!

Got up early and drove 30 minutes north to Blanchard Park for the Orlando Runners Club 5K. This was a spur of the moment idea when I ran across a blurb for the run online.  I haven't done a full 5K for several years but felt I was in shape enough to do it in 2min/1min...

Sunset and update

I have been remiss in my posting here so I thought I'd offer up an iPhone photo for your enjoyment.  It was taken using the iPhone app called Panorama that automatically stitches together two adjacent photos.  The frame was added wit the app Photogene. On the...

Spring has arrived in Delta


Still snow mid-May

[pe2-gallery class="aligncenter" ] [/pe2-gallery]Catching up with some photos. May 22 has significant snow on the West Elks.

NC Telecom Update

Well, the judge in the NCT bankruptcy case ruled that our reorganization plan and auction should move forward as presented in our motion.  He apparently did not buy the argument that the parent company or current management (moi) allowed our personal stakes in the...
Most recent first, Current Category: Home
All (Home), Strange, Work

Bankruptcy hearing in Denver

I've recently returned from testifying in the NCT case and it reminds me why I was happy to leave the legal arena.  For the last three years I have steadfastly tried to guide NCT forward for the benefit of the creditors, local community and ultimate new...

All (Home), Food and Drink

Ma Famiglia in Meeker

Went to lunch with Brandy, Matt, Justin, Dakota, Jimmy, Eva and Sandi.  We were there for Justin's opening game 'Cowboy Football!'  Beer choices are sometimes hard, but Drop Top carried the day, and we found that mother Eva reallllly liked it! [gallery...

All (Home), Health, Homestead

Captive in my own home

Although my recovery is coming along fine, my mobility is limited by abdominal tenderness. I've been on the couch or in bed for days on end and it is annoying to say the least. The other night brought a beautilul sunset with bright long shadows that enticed me from...

All (Home), Health

Hooked up again

I had my final surgery on Thursday to reverse my ileostomy and I'm being released from the hospital in a few hours. Woo-hoo! All systems seem to be working fine and I'm digesting scrambled eggs & pancakes as I write this. I still have a month or so of healing...

All (Home), Photography

Sunset over the Cimarrons

Sandi and I went to Montrose to help Jeff and Leta paint their house and do some grading with the Bobcat.  It was a fun day that culminated with dutch-oven ribs server outside under a beautiful sunset. The image below was taken looking almost straight up as the sun...